Se tu hai una mela e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu e io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai una idea, ed io ho una idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee (G. Bernard Shaw)
PresaVisionesupportsa smallchain of distributionof independent short filmsthroughcultural events.We havea library ofvideos(short but not only) made by many different authors. Theygive usa copytheir works in order to allow PresaVisioneto promote their video,ensuringthe integrity ofthe screening.Theexchange relationshipbetween us andthe authorsarefree of charge.
Ifyou want to showyour works, please contact us.
Some of ourcreations:
Pesciocchio (fish eye)
Respiro (breath)
Le disgrazie d'amore
La Balla (italian pun - Balla is bale but also whopper)
Backstage La Balla
Arte sui tubi
Tango Zoppo (Crippled Tango)
Limiti (Boundaries)
Mazzei (sci-fi in a store)
shin yama arashi (history of martial arts)
Non farmi a fette!
BackStage "Olè Olè" - Video Clip "Figli di Madre Ignota"
Events organized byPresaVisione:
CuCinema-shorts in the dish: Agood dinnercombined with wonderfulshorts.
Some Like It Short :review ofauteur shorts films
Nightswith DJand VJ
CuCinemais aculinarythemedevening,with screeningsof short films andvideo betweena dishand the other. Short filmsare presentedin the contextof a dinner,in roomsand inheterogeneousenvironments,ensure the resultsalways different andcustomizable, depending onlocalneedsand preferencesof the restaurateur.The menu is fixed. the event isby reservation,usually: in fact,CuCinemaprovidesa scantimeof the quite accurate'as in the theater. And,at some point, thelightsfadeto recreate aroomdarkas closeas possible tothe cinema: afilmbreak,and dinneragain,magicallyemergingfrom the darknessagain, once, twice, three times.And every timea newstimulus forconversation at the table.
CuCinemais one of manymeans to realizeanindependent distributioncircuit. Thecircuithas as itsfinal goal toshowself-producedworksmade byindependent authors whousuallydo nothavevisibility.
Some like itshort review ofauteur short films
Eventhe purpose of "Some Like ItShort"is tocreate acircuitIndependentDistribution. The promotionof theauteur short filmsis importantto create visibility, it is alsoimportant tore-learnto understandart's oldestof cinema The projectionis divided into afirst and asecondtime, anda smallsnack isin the rangeoffered byPresavisione Ifthe authorsarein the hallafter the screening, you canask themquestions,you can alsochoose othershortin our archivethat containsself-producedworksmade byindependent authors whousuallydo nothavevisibility.
Servicesofferedby PV
PresaVisionecultural association,offers a range ofservices andmultimedia performanceand the resultis guaranteed byprofessionalexperience and reliability.
Video capturecultural events(theater,courses, projects,backstage)
Videosof weddingsand private events
Logistics ofthe set,troupeassembling
Production ofvideo documentaries,industrial,advertising
Organizationand setting up ofprojections forcultural evenings,institutions, private
Production ofvideo orparts of them;made ofhand-drawnanimationalso
Organizationand implementationof training courses
Creation CuCinema, Some Like It Short(see:events)
Organizationof Casting
Photoin thefilm, evenwithprintingBN
Organizationphotographic exhibitions
Graphics foradvertising,brochures,posters
Productionsand collaborations
Production isa budget withwhich to realizea work (video, film, theater does not matter).
PresaVisioneis able toproduce (or take part injointproductions) short films, videos, documentaries, etc. makes nodifference that theproject is submittedby a memberoran external. Forself productionmeans allthose worksthat do not involvea salaryor abig budget(for thosewho work in): in thiscase, theauthor strivesto coverliving expenses(travel,petrol,anymeals, costumes andanyprops...) and bestowsa donation toPresaVisionethat is moresymbolicanything else(donationthe authordecided withof the project ). WithaffordablePVfiguresprovides: the equipment and thenecessaryprofessionals, experience and passion.
PVtakesthis commitmentonly afteran evaluation ofof thework to be done: workablepriority will be given toworksin a shorttime, or self-producedworks, orthefirstdirectorseseprienze.
If thefilmmaker hasprovideda realbudget, PresaVisioneis able to followall stages ofproduction:from the script, casting, preparation of dailywork, organizing thecrew, findingpersonnel, equipment, etc.. until the stage ofassembly andpackagingof the DVD.